NOV.19TH, 2022: Pilgrims with St. Nektarios – Divine Liturgy/Sacrament of the Holy Unction/Agape (lunch)
Hieromonk Polycarp
Mono – Nov. 9th, 2022
“Sfânta rugăciune este mama tuturor faptelor bune” – Arhim. Cleopa Ilie
Mănăstirea Ortodoxă Înălțarea Sfintei Cruci și Sf. Efrem cel Nou
The Orthodox Monastery Exaltation of the Holy Cross and St. Ephraim the New
T. (519) 942-3489
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Episcopia Ortodoxă Româna a Canadei
The Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada
The Orthodox Monastery “Holy Cross” is under the spiritual and ecclesiastical authority (omofor) of His Grace, Bishop Ioan Casian, of The Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Canada.