Azi 7 Dec. 2024: Vin colindători la Sf. Mănăstire Mono- Răspunsurile la Sf. Liturghie și Concert de Colinde de Corul INCOGNITO din Capitala Canadei
14 dec. 2024: 9:00AM – Divine Liturgy/ Sf. Liturghie 10:30AM – PanOrthodox Nativity Carols/ Colinde de Nașterea Domnului Iisus Hristos
( MonasteryMono: from Sunday/ Duminică Oct 27th at 9:30pm through Monday/Luni Oct 28th at 1:00pm) The Visitation Schedule of the Wonderworking and Myrrh-Streaming “Hawaiian” Iveron Icon to Eastern Canada
19 Octombrie 2024: 10:30am – Taina Sf. Maslu/Sacament of the Holy Unction 12:00pm – Agapă de ziua mulțumiri (Canada) / Thanksgiving meal