Light a Candle

Light a Candle

(Living / Departed)

I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life ~ John 8:12

Holy Cross Orthodox Monastery, Mono, ON


One of our monastics will light candles for you at Holy Cross Orthodox Monastery during our daily services.

Suggested Donation Per Candle:

  • A $1.00
  • B $2.00
  • C $5.00 (Holy Altar/Iconostasis)
  • D $5.00 (Holy Altar/Iconostasis)

Please communicate to us the type of candle and how many candles per day or per week you like for us to light (Living and/or for the Departed).

Paypal Transfers


Interac e-Transfer

We now accept donations via Interac eTransfer. Please send your donation to