Please continue to pray for us to finish the construction and also pay off the loan as well.
Please continue to pray for us to finish the construction and also pay off the loan as well.
By God’s grace we are finishing the construction of our summer altar! And we are grateful to you because your prayers and generos donations (big or small) make our work possible. You are in our daily prayers (Divine Liturgies) and we ask our Lord and His Most Holy Mother of God to grant you physical and spiritual health.
Please continue to pray for us to finish the construction and also to pay off the loan as well.
and/or Donations Altar de Vară/Pavilion
Avem nevoie de ajutorul Dvs.
Please consider making a donation today via e-transfer holycrossorthodoxmonastery E-transferQuestion: Monastery Answer: Mono2024
Deveniți azi donatori, binefacatori, ctictori ai Altarului de vara/pavilionului. Become today a donor, benefactor and/or founder for the Summer Altar/Pavilion.
$1-$499 Donator/donor
$500-$999 Binefăcători/ benefactor
$1,000+ Ctitor/ founder
Altar de vara/Pavilion donations:
Prayerfully yours in Christ’s service,
Hieromonk Polycarp