NEWS! Summer Altar/ Pavilion updates 2023/05/28-31
Cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu am început construcția/ With God’s help we started the construction
Susținem împreună ridicarea Altarului de Vară/Pavilion
Construction updates 28-31 mai 2023
Deveniți azi donatori, binefacatori, ctictori ai Altarului de vara/pavilionului. Become today a donor, benefactor and/or founder for the Summer Altar/Pavilion.
$1-$499 Donator/donor
$500-$999 Binefăcători/ benefactor
$1,000+ Ctitor/ founder

Every donation made to Holy Cross Orthodox Monastery is greatly appreciated and will be entirely used either for day to day operating expenses, maintenance of the grounds, construction in progress, or the monastic community’s continued ministries.
You may make your tax-deductible donation by:
CHECK /money order to our address shown below payable to: “Holy Cross Orthodox Monastery“. We thank you for the support: Mailing address: 308328 Hockley Rd., Mono Orangeville, Ontario L9W 6N4
Paypal Transfers
Interac e-Transfer
We now accept donations via Interac eTransfer. Please send your donation to: [email protected]